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Forbes Diamonds 2022

Having analysed the company's results using the Swiss method, Forbes magazine placed PTS WAŚ in the Forbes Diamonds 2022 ranking in the revenue category between 50 and 250 million PLN. This means that the company is constantly developing, has a positive financial performance, is not in arrears with payments and is a reliable partner for cooperation.


Poznań International Fair 2022

During this year's edition of the Poznań International Fair we were awarded 3 Gold Medals. The following products were awarded: rear lamp series W247 - W249, W250 - W252; rear lamp series W243, W244, W245(DD) and lightbar series W221, W222, W223 Pantera.


Consumer's Choice Gold Medal 2022

The innovative multifunctional rear lamp series W247 - W249, W250 - W252 was additionally awarded the Gold Medal Consumer's Choice, in an online vote. We are proud that our products are appreciated by an independent group of experts as well as by our customers and coworkers. Thank you.


Poznań International Fair 2022 - Acanthus Aureus

During the TTM Fair, the Golden Acanthus is awarded for the best designed and constructed exhibition stand. The stands are evaluated by the Chapter, which takes into account architectural and graphic solutions as well as the adjustment of the space to communication with customers and visitors.

We are grateful that our booth this year was appreciated and rewarded with the Golden Acanthus.


Reliable Company 2021

For the third time we have been awarded the Reliable Company prize and received the Silver Certificate. The award confirms a stable financial situation in the company, the highest quality of products, professionalism and reliability in conducted business.


Forbes Family Business Forum 2021

For the third time we have been recognised in the Forbes Family Firm Ranking. In this edition we found ourselves among the most valuable companies with revenues exceeding 100 million PLN. This year, the ranking is of special importance, as it covers an exceptionally difficult pandemic time.


Gazelles of Business 2021

We have been ranked in the Gazelles of Business ranking for the consecutive year.
Coface team distinguishes the fastest-growing companies with a stable condition and annual financial growth. Thank you for confirming our financial credibility and excellent company condition.


Lower Silesian Griffin Economic Award 2021

We are delighted to announce that the company's co-owner Leszek Waś has become the "Leader of the Year" of the Lower Silesian Griffin Economic Award. The "Lower Silesian Griffin - Economic Award" is one of the best known and most prestigious business competitions in Poland. Congratulations.


Solid Company 2020

For the second time, after a three-stage analysis of the company's condition, we have been awarded the Solid Company prize for 2020. This means that WAŚ products meet the highest standards, the company is professionally managed, and the actions taken meet CSR assumptions.


Gazelles of Business 2020

We are proud to announce that for the seventh time we have been awarded the title of Business Gazelle. On the basis of financial results, the Coface team selects the most dynamically developing companies on the market, which enjoy stable condition and increase their revenues year by year.


Consumer Gold Medal 2020

After the selection of the winners of the Gold Medal of the Poznań International Fair TTM by a group of experts, the customers' choice follows - the vote for the Gold Medal Consumer's Choice. In this edition, the voting took place exclusively online, and the winner of the medal was our lamp series W208 - W210 with the light hovering above the lampshade (with the so-called mirage effect).


Exemplary Company

For the second time we have been awarded the Exemplary Company Certificate. This title confirms the highest quality of offered products and services. It is a nationwide competition, during which the best companies in the region are selected, focusing on development and innovation.


Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020

Our company has received an award which is "well-deserved for Intelligent Development". The jubilee edition has highlighted companies which are committed to smart growth, bringing innovative products or services to the market using cutting-edge technologies and manufacturing solutions, while also protecting the environment. We are grateful for the recognition.


Business Development Symbol 2020

By Decision of Program Symbol Chapter 2020, WAŚ company was honoured the national title of “Business Development Symbol 2020”. After verification, the company was recognized as innovative, distinguishing itself in the automotive sector and contributing to Poland's development.


Good Company 2020

The prize was awarded by the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers. The title "Good Company" is awarded to companies which stand out in the fields of entrepreneurship, management and innovation. We’re particularly proud of this recognition for 1st place in the category of ‘innovator’.


Forbes Family Business Forum 2020

We are proud to announce that for the second time we have received an award in the ranking for Forbes Family Business Forum. WAŚ company was the rated the Most Valuable Family Company, winning 1st place in Poland in the category for income below 100 million PLN.


Company of the Year 2020

For the second time we were awarded the title "Company of the year" by the Central National Certification Office. This title confirms the integrity of the company. Top-quality products are of interest to new customers and for the trust of existing clients. WAŚ lamps meet the highest standards in the market, and certificate for Company of the Year only confirms that.


Gold Medal Kielce Fair 2020

Agricultural Lamp Series W204, W205, W206, W211 and W214 won the Gold Medal, awarded by the Committee from the 26th The International Fair of Agricultural Techniques AGROTECH 2020 Kielce. The awards gala took place online. We are really pleased to win the award, as it is our first Gold Medal at an agricultural trade fair for a whole series of lamps, which allow an entire vehicle to be fully lit.


Consumer Award 2020

We were awarded the 2020 Consumer Award for the category Lighting Manufacturer. This year's edition of the competition had been selected by online voting. The award confirms the good quality of our products, promoting the most popular brands and consumer recommendations.


Poznań International fair 2020

We are proud to announce that this year's edition of the Automotive Parts Expo Automotive Technology Exhibition Centre has won as many as 2 gold MTP medals. The W208, W209 and W210 have been awarded the W188 innovative front lamp for specialised vehicles and agricultural machinery.


Solid Company 2019

After a thorough three-step review of our company, we were awarded the title of Solid Company for 2019. The company's stable position in the market, high standards in production and service combined with family tradition have given the company valuable recognition.


Gazelles of Business 2019

For the sixth time, Coface company featured us in the ranking of the fastest growing companies in the country and in the province – Gazelle’s of Business. This is the best proof for continued growth, financial growth and long-term good business management.


Company of the Year

We have received official recommendations in the form of the "Company of the year" award granted by National Central Certification Office. The winners of this award are trustworthy companies with reliable and secure command, in cooperation with customers and trading partners, and we would like to thank you very much for the appreciation.


“Wprost” Eagles Journal

For the fourth time, we have won the "Eagles Wprost" award as the most dynamically developing company in Lower Silesian Province. The selection criterion includes profit increase, the lack of losses, debts and the company’s profitability over the last three years. The company is growing in strength, while contributing to the development of the province and the country, and that is what has guaranteed us this recognition.


Gold Consumer Medal 2019

For the third time, our products have been awarded the Gold Consumer Medal, this time it's the laser light W116. We are pleased that our contribution to the development of lighting in the automotive industry and the innovative approach to the lamps we produce are appreciated by our experts, as well as visitors.


Forbes 2019 Family Business Forum

We have the honour to inform you that in this year’s edition of the Forbes Family Company Forum, our company ranked number 1 among companies with revenues of less than 100 million zloty in the Lower Silesian province. This ranking is made up of the most dynamic family companies, so for us the award is particularly important due to this year's 40th anniversary of the company in the market – thank-you.


Forbes Diamonds 2019

In the Diamond Ranking of the Forbes monthly, once again our company qualified for one of the higher positions. Among the fastest growing companies with revenues in the range of 50 - 250 million zloty, we were among the leading companies in the lower Silesian region.


Gold Payer 2018

Once again, we have been awarded the Golden Payer Award. Recognition was granted to companies with the highest Rate of Payment Morality for maintaining the highest organizational and financial standards as a solid business partner.


Gazelles of Business 2018

Revenue growth, the lack of losses, business continuity and other business-class conditions set by the Gazele Business Group have been fully completed by our company. Thank-you very much for the consecutive confirmation of our financial credibility and good company condition.


Forbes Diamonds 2018

It is proof of our constant development and growth. This time our company was ranked 16th in the category of medium-sized enterprises with a turnover of PLN 50-250 million in the Lower Silesian Voivodship. Every year, we are more and more successful and this is the only result we are hoping for. We are all the more happy that the results of our hard work are being appreciated.


Golden Payer 2017

It is yet another year in a row that we have been awarded winner of the Złoty Płatnik award. Our payment credibility and the highest standards have been reaffirmed by Euler Helmes. Currently, the terms of the Golden Payer program are met by only 6% of companies on the Polish market, which is an additional reason to be proud.


“Wprost” Journal Eagles 2018

It is the third time that we have been awarded the prize for the most dynamically developing companies in Lower Silesia. ”Wprost Journal Eagles” is a distinction awarded to enterprises with the highest average net profit in the last three years and the highest average percentage increase in net profit, which additionally contributes to the development of regional and national economy.


International Poznań Fair 2018

The Gold Medal is not only a prize, it is an expert recommendation for product presentation and promotion strategies. The competition recognizes innovation, ingenuity and modernity. It is a great honor to be awarded the IPF Gold Medal for the twentieth time. This time our company received the Gold Medal - Expert Award for our innovative laser lamp W116.LASER.


International Poznań Fair 2018 - “Acanthus Aureus”

This year we have had the pleasure to receive two awards during the Poznań International Fair. The “Acanthus Aureus” award was received for the category: stand with the best architectural and graphic solutions, which were also conducive to direct communication with the client and emphasized our company’s positive image.


Gold Consumer Medal 2017

The products which won the Gold Medal MTP at the Automotive Technology Fair went through to the stage where visitors and customers voted for the selected product in an online plebiscite. That year W129 and W130 work lamps received the Gold Consumer Medal.


Gazelles of Business 2017

We are once more pleased to announce that our company has been included in the elite group: “Gazelles of Business”. Our focus on continuous development, innovation and the highest quality has paid off and as a result we are honored to belong to the group of the most dynamically developing in Poland. Thank-you for the appreciation.


Forbes Diamonds 2017

We are honored to announce that our company has once again found its place among the laureates of the “Forbes Diamonds 2017”. In this year’s edition, we were ranked 20th among medium-sized companies with a turnover of PLN 50 - 250 million in Lower Silesia. Thank you for your appreciation.


Polish Intelligent Development Award 2017

For the first time, our company has achieved a Polish Intelligent Development Award 2017 in the category: 'Innovative Company'. This award was given for the execution of research and development work on the use of laser light in automotive lighting.
The Polish Intelligent Development Award is a country-wide award given for the best self-governments, companies and enterprises which through their innovative investments and solutions contribute to the sustainable development of the country.


Exemplary Company

We have become the laureate of an 'Exemplary Company' competition, whose participants are nominated by self-government, provincial, municipal or communal authorities, whose honorary patronage has been assumed by the Marshall of the Voivodship and the Voivode of Lower Silesia. The purpose of the contest is to appreciate the many years of effort of owners, managers, directors and employees thanks to whom most of the entrepreneurs in Poland keep developing, expanding and improving their product portfolio. The title 'Exemplary Company' is also a noticeable symbol of success of Polish companies operating within the region and combining many years of experience and tradition with innovativeness and ongoing technological development.


Golden Payer 2016

It is another year that our company has been the laureate of the Golden Payer plebiscite. Golden Payer is a distinction given to companies for maintaining the highest payment standards in 2016. Euler Hermes Receivables Analysis Programme identifies reliable business partners who achieved the highest Payment Morality Indicator in a given year. This prestigious award is a confirmation of our company’s professional approach to developing lasting relationships with our partners.


“Wprost” Journal Eagles 2017

Our company was again the winner of the “Wprost Eagles” award; we proved that it is possible to develop and grow within the region and country. We are a Polish, family-owned company with traditions that we strive to consolidate, which is why we are proud to have been noticed and appreciated by the organizers once again.


Forbes Diamonds 2016

This year, once again, our company has been awarded the “Forbes Diamonds 2016” award. The ranking includes companies which have developed the fastest in the last three years and whose financial result is positive, presenting a risk ratio lower than 4 - according to the Bisnode rating system.


Gazelles of Business 2016

The title of the “Gazelle of Business” is the best commendation for our company, highlighting its good financial condition, constant growth and business development. The criteira for receiving the prize was for increasing turnover and profit for three consecutive years, in which we have succeeded once again.


“Wprost” Journal Eagles 2016

The “Wprost” Journal award is a distinction for companies, local governments and personalities of the region, which particularly contribute to the development of the regional and national economy. The selection criteria are: dynamic development and increase of profit over the last three years, no losses and debts, and increasing profits.


Now Poland

In 30th of May, 2016 at the Gala 'Teraz Polska' ('Now Poland'- the national award) at the Grand Theatre in Warsaw, the best Polish companies, services and local governments were awarded. Among them the Company WAŚ was honoured with the emblem TERAZ POLSKA for our 2 series of innovative lamps W116 and W112. This year the Competition Committee “Poland Now” has awarded 15 products, 8 services, 3 innovative projects and 3 municipalities.
The winners are selected on the basis of experts reviews. The evaluation was particularly difficult this year because 58% of applications scored more than 900 points out of 1000 maximum.


Golden Payer 2015

Our company has won the Golden Payer Plebiscite 2015. It is well known as a prestigious distinction for keeping the highest standards of payment discipline, which is awarded to companies fulfilling at the same time all of the following criteria: Payment Morality above 80 points, the rating above CCC level and the absence of active recovery. Only 5% of companies on the Polish market meet the criteria above which means that the Certificate of Golden Payer 2015 is an elite honour, the evidence of the reliability of the company.


Poznań International Fair

During the Automotive Technology Fair at the Poznań International Fair, the Competition Jury of the MTP Gold Medal, under the chairperson of Prof. dr hab. Wiesław Zwierzycki, in a secret ballot awarded 21 MTP gold medals. We are pleased to announce that among the many competition entries, our series of working lamps W130 and W129 were listed among the winners of this prestigious award. Although it is a subsequent award of such kind for our innovative products, we are equally happy as we were the first time.


Gazelles of Business 2015

We are pleased to announce that our company has been awarded the “Gazelle of Business” award thanks to our satisfactory financial results. We have been awarded this from the category of small and medium-sized enterprises in Lower Silesia.


Forbes Diamonds

We are winners of Forbes Diamonds 2015. A valuation list of entrepreneurs in 2015 prepared by analysts of Bisnode Poland in consultation with the editorial section of “Forbes” also includes our company - Przetwórstwo Tworzyw Sztucznych WAŚ Józef i Leszek Waś Spolka Jawna. The list includes only those companies, which the credit reference agency - Bisnode Poland granted a positive rating of reliability, i.e. companies that are profitable (based on EBIT and ROA indicators), have a high current liquidity and not in arrears with payments, and their average annual growth value is at least 15 percent.


25th anniversary of the III Polish Republic

We are pleased to inform you that our company, Przetwórstwo Tworzyw Sztucznych WAŚ Józef i Leszek Waś Spółka Jawna was a laureate in the Enterprise ranking marking the 25th anniversary of the III Polish Republic. The award is granted for 25 years of uninterrupted activity and a positive financial result generated in the final decade of the first quarter of the free market economy after the 1989 political changes.


Gazelles of Business 2014

The “Gazelles of Business” award is for the most dynamically developing small and medium enterprises. The awarded title testifies the company’s best financial condition and good management. The main criteria for the company’s assessment were financial results from the last three years.


Gold Consumer Medal 2015

We never rest on our laurels, after the 2014 Gold Medal was awarded by experts, the time came for the next stage, namely the vote of the internet users. Consistently, our W91 – W95 hamburger range was awarded the Gold Consumer Medal.


Poznań International Fair

With pride and pleasure, we want to inform all our customers that for the 7th time we are awarded the Gold Medal of the Poznań International Fair for Automotive Technology Fair.
7 turned out to be a double luck number. Apart from the Gold Medal awarded to us by the MTP Competition Jury for LEDs MULTIFUNCTION REAR LIGHTS 'HAMBURGER' series (ULTRA-SLIM) W91, W92, W93, W94, W95, we were also awarded Consumers' Choice Gold Medal thanks to the internet users' and visitors' votes. We thank all our customers and we promise to keep the high innovation and quality of our products.


Poznań International Fair

The WAŚ company has once again proven that it holds the leading position in the field of lighting innovation in Poland, and its products define new standards in the international field. In 2012 we have received 4 gold medals for lamps of the following series: W47WW, W77.1 solar, W77.3 solar, W21.2 solar, W21.3 solar, W21.5 solar, W21.6 solar, W21.7 solar, W21.8 solar, W06DL, W07DL, W18UD, WE549DLiP, WE551DLiP, W072UD i W75.1. The Automotive Technology Fair organized by the Automotive Technology Association and Poznań International Fair is the biggest fair in the field, taking place in Poland. In 2012, four halls of the fair hosted an offer from 226 companied from all over the worlds, which have been visited by almost 12 000 visitors.


ISO 14001

We have successfully completed the certification process of the Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System, being also related to Occupational Safety and Health. It means that the company Przetwórstwo Tworzyw Sztucznych WAŚ Józef i Leszek Waś, apart from the previous international standards ISO 9001:2008, meets also the requirements of ISO 14001. ISO 14001 is the international standard enabling to control and improve pro-environmental activity. It reflects ability of the company to prove inspection of its key impacts related to the use of raw materials, consumption of energy, emissions, waste materials, services and products, transport and distribution.


Lower Silesia Economic Certificate

June 28 was once again authorities of our region granted us the Lower Silesia Economic Certificate. Award proves that we contribute to the stable development of our region and our company is synonymous with quality, trust and modernity.


International Fair of Poznan

Once again we have received Gold Medals at the International Fair of Poznan. Our innovativeness and high-technology of the products manufactured by our company have been awarded four Gold medals in Poznan. This year the awarded were the lamps from the series W21.1 and W21.1-10L-10LL, W66L and W66P, W68P and W68L, and W69L and W69P.



In 2011, once again we have been honored with GREEN BRAND logo. This independent certification distinguishing environmentally and human friendly products is particularly important for us. He points out that our efforts toward the production of energy-saving products is a step in the right direction. We also hope that the economic benefits arising directly from the choice of products bearing the Green Brand's LOGO will also be appreciated by our customers.


Lower Silesia Griffin

2 June 2010 we were nominated by the Chapter of the Lower Silesia Economic Certificate for the title of the Lower Silesia Griffin in the category of innovation. The competition is organized since 2004 by the West Chamber of Commerce and since 2005 jointly with the Association of Polish Copper Employers. In 2010, the organizers were joined by the Office of the Marshal of Lower Silesia. The competition aims to honor the companies, local government units and institutions and organizations that contribute to the most extent to the economic development of our region, which are the models to follow in individual categories.


Association of Polish Exporters

In November 2010 the Association of Polish Exporters honored us the title of Outstanding Exporter of the Year 2010 for the Export Product of the Year: positional light clusters. Polish Exporters Association is an organization of more than 300 Polish exporters from all sectors and regions of our country. It carries out its activities since 2002 and has contacts with more than five thousand companies around the Polish territory. The distinguishing feature of the Association among other organizations is that it is an initiative of the exporters, and its activities are focused on their specific needs. The Association has undertaken a number of initiatives to promote Polish exports: organizing meetings and conferences enriching the knowledge and skills of exporters.


Certificate of Reliability

We have obtained the Certificate of Reliability. This innovative tool to the National Debt Register, whose idea is to promote the the payment reliability in trade, but also creating a positive image of companies that benefit from it. This is a document issued to companies that have joined the Reliable Company Program, which use the services of the National Debt Register and do not appear in it as debtors.


Lower Silesia Economic Certificate

We are the holder of the Lower Silesia Economic Certificate (DCG) number 0415/2010. The regional certification of economic reliability and quality is awarded to companies and products by the Lower Silesian Region. The certificate is assigned and honored to the economic entities of the Lower Silesia and their products. Those honored make an important contribution to the development of the region, in the creation of the labor market and provide examples of quality, innovativeness, modernity and reliability of work. DCG is modeled on the international economic rewards, such as the Japanese Deming Prize, American Award of Malcolm Baldridge or the European Quality Award.



Also in 2010 we were awarded the GREEN BRAND logo. It is an independent certificate distinguishing environmentally and human friendly products. It emphasizes energy-saving features and economic benefits arising directly from the choice of products bearing the Green Brand's LOGO. With the approach based on the scientific foundations and technical expertise in the certification process, the LOGO is assigned to objectively evaluated products.


Poznan International Fair

Once again, we have received the Gold Medal at Poznan International Fair. Innovativeness and high-technology of the products manufactured by our company have been awarded Gold Medals at the International Automotive Fair in Poznan. This time the award was assigned to the lamps W48, W49, W50, W51, W53 and W55.


National Innovation Leaders

In the competition for National Innovation Leaders 2008 Edition, our company has achieved the title of INNOVATIVE COMPANY. The idea of the competition is to identify and promote projects and initiatives of innovative and progressive nature.


International Automotive Trade Fair in Poznan

MTP Gold Medal at the Poznan. Technological advancement and innovation of our products, which always guided all our actions, have been noticed and appreciated once again with the Gold Medals at the International Automotive Trade Fair in Poznan. This time we were awarded for the lamps W36, W37, W38, W39 and W40.



In 2006 we were nominated for the prestigious Polish Promotional Emblem NOW POLAND in the sixteenth edition of the Competition for the Best Products and Services.


International Automobile Fair in Poznan

At the International Automobile Fair in Poznan, we have received the Gold Medal for technological innovativeness of the W22 lamp. We are glad that the purpose that has always guided all our actions was noticed and appreciated.


Homologation of the Ministry of Infrastructure

In the course of its business, the Company has obtained the Homologation of the Ministry of Infrastructure for all products, and also obtained the Quality Management Certificate of ISO 9001:2001 No 59/SZJ/2003.


International Automotive Fair in Poznan

Our lamp series W17d were awarded the Gold Medal at the International Automotive Fair in Poznan. Their technological advancement and innovation were appreciated. We thank all our customers for their trust and ensure them that our success will not hamper our efforts for continuous improvement, and only raise the bar, so we will be getting better.

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