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Production in harmony with nature

Today the idea of being modern in the industry, is not reduced to having the innovative machinery. Equally important is the awareness of the environment and rational environment development, environmental resource management in accordance with the principle of sustainable development and pollution prevention as well as waste management and its processing or recycling.

Environmental protection aspects implemented in our company are:


Energy-efficient, long life, and if worn, the whole are suitable for the recovery processes (both recycling of plastics and metal parts). Additionally, they are marked with the information label as electrical and electronic equipment.


technolgical line meeting the requirements of best available techniques (BAT), modern machinery, low emission systems, both in terms of greenhouse gases, dust, noise and industrial wastewater and the low waste generating technology.


does not require the consumption of large quantities of raw materials including fuels, water and other utilities, organized waste-water management, low risk of serious industrial accident - a highly sophisticated fire prevention and fire protection systems.


environmental aspects shall be subject to periodic conformity assessment at the plant in compliance with legal requirements. The plant possesses the relevant declarations, permits, entries in the BDO(waste), CRO(f-gases) and KOBIZE(emissions) registers. Report obligations are carried out in these databases and with the administrative authorities. The necessary decisions and opinions of environmental authorities are obtained in planned investments of both infrastructure and technology.

Our products and all actions to protect the environment has been noticed and appreciated with GREEN BRAND's logo. Green Brand is an independent Certificate distinguishing human and environmentally friendly products. It emphasizes energy-efficient features and economic benefits arising directly from the choice of products marked with this logo. Companies and products applying for the designation of the Green Brans logo are evaluated in 11 categories:

  1. Green Energy - renewable and alternative energy sources,
  2. Green construction - energy efficient, environmentally and human friendly buildings,
  3. Green Transportation - alternative and conventional vehicles powered by environmentally friendly energy sources;
  4. Biotechnology - the use of the latest scientific solutions for environmental protection,
  5. Technology - green HI Tech in the service of environmental and humans;
  6. Software - systems limiting energy consumption, increasing efficiency, reducing waste, etc.,
  7. Media and Education - action to promote ECO lifestyle, green technologies, etc.,
  8. Waste management - energy recovery, solution to care about clean water, air and land.
  9. Consumer products - resulting in benefits, having a positive impact on man and environment. Making life easier while ensuring the natural environment around us.
  10. Financial products - targeted on the investments in green technologies and environmentally and human friendly designs.
  11. Other - not classified above - characterized by above-average values from several of the above categories.

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