In our efforts to maintain the permanent high quality of the products offered by our company, and of their innovativeness, the part of the laboratory tests could not have missed in the design process and later throughout the production process. The company has its own photometric laboratory, allowing us a continuous review of relevant parameters of each lamp produced in our plant and facilitating the preparation of prototypes for the homologation process.
The equipment of our photometric laboratory includes among others:
which is used to measure x, y coordinates of emitted ligh color.
used to measure the luminous intensity or illumination intensity.
The thermal camera has been designed for advanced measurements in the industrial sector. It is used to detect the operating temperature of light sources under changing atmospheric conditions and over operating time of the lamp under test.
to set the lamps at a right angle to the measuring head.
The Integrating sphere is used to measure the total luminous flux of lamps manufactured by our company.
for measuring the CIL reflection coefficient.
and standard light bulbs of different power and shapes, standard plates for calibrating the reflection coefficient measuring system, dedicated software and stabilized laboratory feeders with current and voltage adjustment. All these items of equipment are calibrated and subjected to periodic tests of compliance
Such equipped laboratory allows us to perform the test:
In our photometric laboratory, we perform the following work:
In addition to a detailed examination of the parameters of all our lamps, endurance tests are always performed. All of our products are subjected to rigorous tests which examine the behaviour of materials under changing climatic conditions, the impact of typical external factors, such as salt, and the erosion of materials over the product’s lifetime.
Therefore, in addition to the measuring instruments in our photometric laboratory, we also have:
The climate chamber enables us to test our products under extremely different weather conditions. A relatively rapid change of temperature from -40 to +100oC, together with variable humidity, allows us to exclude possible errors in the performance of our products as early as at the prototype stage.
Compared to the climate chamber, a weathering chamber additionally allows the product to be tested for UV light radiation, dark and light phases and moisture. A 1000-hour testing process of a lamp corresponds to a lamp life of 1 year in natural conditions typical for our climate.